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PRO CD 1.1 Brief Manual ------
Ñ What is PRO CD?
PRO CD is an Audio CD player for CD-ROM drives.
Ñ Features
PRO CD has the following features :
- 10-line Large Display
- Click'n'search Buttons
- Left-Right Balance Volume
- Open Program System
- Program Shuffle Mode
- Audio Mixer
- Disc Information Window
- Low Memory Usage
- AppleEvents Compatible Remote Control
Ñ Requirements
PRO CD requires :
- System 7.0 or greater
- 32-bit Color Quickdraw
- 256K of memory
- CD-ROM drive (MUST be compatible with apple driver, AppleCD 300 is the best)
- CD-ROM setup INIT (Apple one) installed
--- Using PRO CD ---
I assume you know how to use a machine CD player, so I will explain PRO CD's features only.
All the outlined letters are letters on the window of PRO CD.
If you need a more detailed help, please write to <>.
Ñ 10-line Display
Each line of display can show status of PRO CD in different way. Each line works individually. You can choose content of each line from the popup menu. The menu is at the little arrow on the right of each line.
Ñ Click'n'search Buttons
Click'n'search Buttons are located on the bottom of the main window. Each button is corresponding to each track on the disc. The indicator on each button show the status of the track.
Black - Cannot be played (e.g. data track) or Not going to be played.
Blue - Going to be played.
Green - Being played.
Red - Already played once.
Gray - Doesn't exist on the disc.
Ñ L-R Balance Volume
It is exactly the same as a L-R Balance Volume on a stereo set.
NOTE : This function may not work correctly with some of CD-ROM drives. It should work correctly with AppleCD 300 and AppleCD 300i.
Ñ Open Program System
On most of CD player, you can hardly change program once you start playing it. PRO CD lets you to change program easily even after you started playing it.
1. Changing Playing Mode
You can change playing mode by clicking playing mode buttons.
N - Normal Mode - Use when you want to play CD continuously
P - Program Mode - Use when you want to play your favorite tracks of CD only.
S - Shuffle Mode (Toggle) - Use when you are tired of ordering of tracks of CD.
2. Building a Program
You can build your own program in 2 ways.
2a. Adding Method
- Click P.
(CD stops, "PROGRAM SETTING" appears on the display)
- Use following buttons to build your program
Click'n'search buttons - add a track to the next step of the program
x1 - delete a step
x - discard whole program and restart building
|<<, >>| - select a step
P - finish building program
> - finish building program and start playing
S - finish building program and shuffle tracks
N, - discard the program and go to the normal mode
2b. Deleting Method
- Click N Button
- Play an UNDESIRED track by clicking >>| button and > button or a click'n'search button.
- Click x1 button
- Repeat until you delete all the undesired tracks.
3. Changing a Program
You can make changes on your program after you finished building it.
3a. Deleting Undesired Step
- Play the Undesired step by clicking > button and >>| button.
- Click x1 button.
3b. Adding a New Step
- Click a click'n'search button that corresponds to your desired track.
NOTE : The new step will be added AFTER the step that is being played.
Ñ Program Shuffle Mode
You can shuffle your program as well as normal shuffle. To shuffle your program, just click S while in program mode. PRO CD will play each track of your program once in random order. To unshuffle your program, click S again. (Do the same as normal shuffle mode.)
Ñ Audio Mixer
The mixer mixes audio output of the drive and outputs it to the speaker. To bring the mixer to front, choose "Show Mixer" from "Options" menu.
Audio Mixer has the following buttons :
Mixing Buttons (Middle) - The line means the line is connected. Splited line means the line is
not connected. Try some combinations.
Stereo Button (Bottom Left) - Makes the sound stereo.
Mono Button (Bottom Right) - Makes the sound mono (monaural).
Ñ Disc Information Window
Disc information window shows information about the disc and tracks on the disc. To bring the window to front, choose "Show Disc Information" from "Options" menu.
Items on the information window are :
Position - The position where the track is.
Length - The length of the track.
Type - The type of the track. Data or Audio.
Channels - Number of channels that the track has. Stereo or 4-channel.
Pre-Emp - (I don't know what it is. Please tell me if you know what it means.)
Digital Copy - Digital-copying of the track. Prohibited or Permitted.
NOTE : Time format is Minute : Second ' Frame (75th of second).
You can't select a track from the list.
--- More About PRO CD ---
Ñ Known Problems
- Disappearance of growicon on the disc information window
- Crazy behavior of when clicking |<< or >>| while pausing
- Freezing a while of when clicking (stop) button (Not a system crash)
Ñ Tips
- You can do whatever you want while PRO CD is showing about display! Don't wait until it disappears!
- Use 256-color mode or B/W mode. PRO CD looks bad under 16-color mode, and under grayscale modes, you won't be able to recognize the colors of click'n'search buttons!
- There are 2 small easter eggs. Find them! One appears when you click somewhere, another one is in the resource fork (string).